Business and pleasure,Čitalo se/gledalo se/slušalo se,Lutanja,Poezija,Razmišljanja,Razno Kako su povezane ‘soft skills’, umjetna inteligencija, obrazovanje i budućnost čovječanstva?

Kako su povezane ‘soft skills’, umjetna inteligencija, obrazovanje i budućnost čovječanstva?

Povremeno napišem ponešto vezano uz svijet businessa i korporacija, koji uvijek ima veze s onim što me najviše zanima: kako se s napretkom tehnologije i drugim društvenim i ekonomskim promjenama mijenja priroda poslovanja te koja je uloga u tom novom profilu poslovanja onoga što možemo nazvati “manje opipljivim” vještinama i značajkama, koje pripadaju domeni onoga što zovemo “soft skills”, kao što su međuljudski odnosi, emocionalna i socijalna inteligencija, suradljivost, fleksibilnost i dr.

Današnji poslovi većinom su previše složeni da bih ih obavljala samo jedna osoba. Najčešće smo dio jednog organizacijskog ili projektnog ciklusa u kojem naš rad utječe na rad drugih, i obrnuto. U tom procesu važnost “soft skillsa” postaje sve veća, a nerijetko – zapravo, rekla bih najčešće – čini i razliku između uspješnog i neuspješnog poslovanja.

Loši odnosi u organizaciji, nestrukturirana komunikacija, manjak osjećaja za važnost “soft skillsa” imaju i mjerljiv financijski učinak te neka istraživanja navode da loši međuljudski odnosi i loša komunikacija potencijalno donose više štete od loših poslovnih odluka.

Danas je “sve povezano sa svime”, iako to nekada i nije tako očito. Primjerice, “soft skills”, umjetna inteligencija, obrazovanje, budućnost čovječanstva… Puno “velikih” pojmova za jednu rečenicu, ali itekako imaju veze jedan s drugim.

Izvorni članak dostupan je i na LinkedInu.


Is there a relationship between soft skills, AI, education and the future of humanity?

Daniel Goleman recently posted on LinkedIn: – Do you think we’ve reached the tipping point of Emotional Intelligence “soft skills” being valued as much as “hard skills” in the workplace?

It made me think if we even have come to a satisfactory level of recognizing the importance of these skills in today’s work and life, let alone that we have reached the peak of valuing soft skills?

As Jack Ma said: – The computer will always be smarter than you are; they never forget, they never get angry. But computers can never be as wise a man. The AI and robots are going to kill a lot of jobs because in the future it’ll be done by machines.Service industries offer hope – but they must be done uniquely.

With Industry 4.0 on its way, this issue is becoming more important than ever. It is frightening and it is wonderful at the same time. We are living in the exciting times of robotics, artificial intelligence, nanotechnology, quantum computing, biotechnology, IoT, 3D printing and autonomous vehicles.

However, are we able to adapt quickly enough as a human race to the inevitable changes?

How not to try to compete with the machines, because this battle has been lost before it even started, but instead identify our comparative advantages and make them work for us? How do you recognize them with employees (and future employees)? How to transform traditional organizational structures that are still trying to mimic the military hierarchy into structures that will nurture those skills in order to improve our business?

There seem to be more questions than answers. Where should we start in the first place?

Maybe Jack Ma’s address delivered in 2018 at the World Economic Forum Annual Meeting in Davos on education, AI and the role of soft skills in the process could be a good starting point. Mr. Ma said that the key is to nurture values, believes, teamwork and care for others – all the things that are not knowledge-based and that machines could never catch up. And how do we achieve that? Through teaching sports and arts.

We have a wonderful opportunity to try to make the fourth industrial revolution a time to improve ourselves as humans. A time to embrace our “human nature”, to improve communication, conflict resolution, empathy and get a better understanding of the future of business and the future of life itself. To make the world a truly better place.

Will we be able to take advantage of this unique opportunity?

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